Dr. Steve Rutt visits SPAC (August 2024)

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Deanery Visit from The Very. Rev. Dr. Steve Rutt

This past Sunday, Saint Paul’s Anglican Church had the honor of welcoming The Very Rev. Dr. Steven Rutt, who not only shared exciting updates about the growth of the Deanery in the Diocese of Mid-America within the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) but also delivered a powerful sermon on “Justification by Faith and Our Union with Christ.”

A Timely Message Rooted in Scripture and Tradition

Dr. Rutt’s sermon drew from the deep wells of Christian wisdom, weaving together insights from the early Church Fathers like St. Ambrose, as well as the Reformation giants John Calvin and Richard Sibbes. Dr. Rutt reminded us that justification by faith is not just a doctrine to be believed but a reality that shapes our identity through union with Christ. His words challenged us to live fully in this union, resting in the assurance of God’s grace while actively participating in the life of the Church.

The Expanding Work of the Deanery

Following the service, Dr. Rutt shared exciting news about the growth of the Deanery in the Diocese of Mid-America. He described how new missions are being planted and parishes are experiencing new growth. A new website is being prepared and Bishop Sutton is expecting that the West Coast may soon become its own diocese soon.

Looking Ahead

We are deeply grateful for Dr. Rutt’s visit and his gospel-centered leadership. His also spoke with the Canterbury teachers leading a day on teaching the Christian worldview in the classroom and the noble calling of teaching.