Read more about the article (4/20) Easter Sunday – Los Altos
Los Altos Anglican Episcopal Easter Silicon Valley Bay Area

(4/20) Easter Sunday – Los Altos

Join us at St. Paul’s Anglican Church this Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with joyful worship and Holy Communion. Experience the hope and victory of Christ’s triumph over death in a reverent and welcoming community. (Anglican / Reformed Episcopal) Bay Area Silicon Valley

Read more about the article (4/19) The Great Vigil of Easter & Kindling of the New Fire
Easter Vigil Los Altos Silicon Valley Episcopal Anglican

(4/19) The Great Vigil of Easter & Kindling of the New Fire

Join us for the Great Vigil of Easter at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, the most ancient and sacred night of the Christian year. We will kindle the new fire, light the Paschal candle, and proclaim Christ’s victory over darkness with the singing of the Exsultet. Through Scripture, prayer, and Sacrament,…

Read more about the article (4/18) Good Friday Tenebrae: A Service of Shadows
Join us at St. Paul’s Anglican Church for our Good Friday Tenebrae Service, a solemn and reflective service marking the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the gradual extinguishing of candles, the reading of Scripture, and the powerful symbolism of darkness and silence, we will meditate on Christ’s suffering and sacrifice for our salvation. This ancient service invites us to enter into the depth of Good Friday with reverence and devotion.

(4/18) Good Friday Tenebrae: A Service of Shadows

Join us at St. Paul’s Anglican Church for our Good Friday Tenebrae Service, a solemn and reflective service marking the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the gradual extinguishing of candles, the reading of Scripture, and the powerful symbolism of darkness and silence, we will meditate on…

Read more about the article (4/13) Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday Los Altos Anglican Silicon Valley Episcopal

(4/13) Palm Sunday

Join us at St. Paul’s Anglican Church for our Palm Sunday Service, where we begin Holy Week by commemorating Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. We will gather outside to receive palms, process into the church, and celebrate the joy of Christ’s kingship. As we wave our palms and sing hosannas,…

Read more about the article (3/16) Holy Communion & Confirmation Service with Presiding Bishop Ray Sutton
The Most Rev. Ray R. Sutton serves as the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) and the Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid America. He is also the Dean of the Province and Ecumenical Affairs of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)

(3/16) Holy Communion & Confirmation Service with Presiding Bishop Ray Sutton

Join us for a special Holy Communion and Confirmation Service with Bishop Ray Sutton on the Second Sunday in Lent. Join us after for a special St. Patrick’s Day celebration and an opportunity to meet our Bishop, Dr. Ray Sutton. We’ll celebrate with a special Irish potato bar meal. The…

Read more about the article (3/5) Ash Wednesday: Penitential Office & Imposition of Ashes
Ash Wednesday Los Altos Silicon Valley

(3/5) Ash Wednesday: Penitential Office & Imposition of Ashes

Join us on Wednesday, March 5th at 7 PM for a solemn Ash Wednesday Service, marking the beginning of Lent. We will observe the Penitential Office and receive the Imposition of Ashes, symbolizing our repentance and need for God’s grace.