Read more about the article (3/16) Holy Communion & Confirmation Service with Presiding Bishop Ray Sutton
The Most Rev. Ray R. Sutton serves as the Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC) and the Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid America. He is also the Dean of the Province and Ecumenical Affairs of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)

(3/16) Holy Communion & Confirmation Service with Presiding Bishop Ray Sutton

Join us for a special Holy Communion and Confirmation Service with Bishop Ray Sutton on the Second Sunday in Lent. Join us after for a special St. Patrick’s Day celebration and an opportunity to meet our Bishop, Dr. Ray Sutton. We’ll celebrate with a special Irish potato bar meal. The…

Read more about the article Dr. Steve Rutt visits SPAC (August 2024)
After Holy Communion

Dr. Steve Rutt visits SPAC (August 2024)

Deanery Visit from The Very. Rev. Dr. Steve Rutt This past Sunday, Saint Paul’s Anglican Church had the honor of welcoming The Very Rev. Dr. Steven Rutt, who not only shared exciting updates about the growth of the Deanery in the Diocese of Mid-America within the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC)…